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What Now?

Happy Monday!

Not having something that I need to do is a weird feeling, and it's not one that I experience a lot. On school days I either have homework or have done too much

people-ing already. Then I don't want to do anything other than shut off my brain for the night. On weekends I've either got chores or plans with friends/family (or more homework). During the summer, there's gardening, chores, and my summer job - which I'll make a post about if you guys are interested! I don't have any of that right now. Usually, if I'm not actively doing something, I'm thinking about the next thing that I have to do. It could be a test coming up, and assignment that will be due soon, or a project or presentation that I'll have to show the whole class. It's always something.

These past couple days have been strange. Now, I'm actually able to just sit somewhere and stay there for a while. I don't have to study notes, I don't have to quiz myself on physics formulas and terms, and I don't have to prepare business presentations or plans. Other than a few chores like sweeping and checking the chicken coop for eggs, which don't usually take more than ten minutes, I can do what I want! I have time to read, blog, and stream. Unfortunately, I can't get used to it. I pace around the house, I chat with friends about school, and I can't settle down to read. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying my time off. It's just that I'm too busy acknowledging that I have time off to do something that I usually complain about not having time to do. Hopefully that makes sense.

My classes for second semester should be easier than the ones I chose in the beginning. I don't think I've talked about what I chose, so I'll mention those now. My classes for next semester will be Modern History ( it's mandatory, but I'm taking the easier one because the harder one is the same period as the in-person physics I want to take), GGG (growth, goals, and grit), physics, pre-calculus, and English. Unless we learn about the American Revolution, I don't think I'm going to enjoy history. I'd be happy to do a separate post about those classes if anyone's interested.

I think that my streaming days will be mostly Monday evenings, since I don't have to watch the dog and hopefully won't have a lot of homework so early in the week. It may not be every Monday, but I'd like to stream most Mondays. My first Firewatch stream is up on my YouTube if anyone wants to check it out. I apologize in advance for the audio quality in the beginning... It's really hard to hear me! It sounds like I'm whispering in a hurricane!

Well, I think that's all from me for now! I've got some laundry to do that I keep forgetting about. To anyone who has already gone back to school, I wish you well in your classes, and to anyone who, like me, is heading back on Wednesday, I hope you are pleasantly surprised with how much you like your new classes! We're halfway there. Spring is just a few months away and then it'll be summer before we know it!



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