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I'm Back!

Good afternoon everyone!

I realized that I've been forgetting to post, so I thought I'd do a post and recap what's been going on, and what's kept me so busy: school. I'm kidding, there's more to it than that. And by that I mean that I'll elaborate. The short answer is still school.

As of yesterday I've finished eight days of second semester. Those eight days have been pretty interesting. Not necessarily interesting good or bad, but at least I have some amusing stories to tell.

Since it's my first period class, I'll start off with modern history. It hasn't actually been a terrible class so far. Since it's the easier history class (which I mentioned reasons for taking in a previous post), it's a little boring for me. Although, I do like the topic of the French Revolution. I still wish we were learning about the American Revolution, but the French will have to do. I like the teacher for the modern history class because she's very nice and we don't really get homework or anything that's really difficult. So far we've watched some videos, taken some notes, and done a few small assignments that just involved reading and answering questions. It's a very calm class so far, which is nice for first thing in the morning. Overall, it's a pretty good class. No real complaints from me. We were talking about taxes at one point and when the teacher mentioned that schools are paid for with taxes by saying that one of the things that tax money goes toward is "where you're sitting now", someone in my class responded by blurting out "I'm sitting in taxes?!" I thought that was pretty funny.

Period two is my problem class. Art. I don't hate art in general, and I wish I was better at artistic things than I am because they look fun, but this class is probably my most stressful. It's also my least favourite (keep in mind I'm taking grade twelve physics this semester as well). Art classes have never been a huge deal to me, since the teachers mark on effort and not actual art ability. Unfortunately, this art class is taught by my entrepreneurship teacher. She's super nice, don't get me wrong, but I guess I'm just not a fan of her teaching style. She gave us a pop quiz on day two. It was on stuff that she hadn't told us, but should've "remembered from grade nine". Luckily, the quiz didn't count for our grade. That didn't really help the fact that I was desperately trying to come up with something to write on the sheet because I was homeschooled in grade nine and hadn't had art with her before. I ended up with a 25% on that pop quiz. Again, thank goodness it didn't really count for anything. Besides that, I've been doing well in the class. I've learned that I need to put more effort into my art pieces because giving her exactly what she asked for isn't worth a 100%. We're also not allowed to take art pieces home to work on them - unless she specifically says we can - because she "doesn't want us to work on them at home". I've no idea why. I do my best work at home. It's where I can get fully into the zone and absorbed in my work. I did a lot of my entrepreneurship stuff at home, and it was always done well! We also have to keep a sketchbook journal and make two to three sketches per week with comments on what could've been done better. In addition to that, we had to choose a project that we have to work on during our own time and choose our own deadlines, apparently. I'm not even going to get into that, because the whole idea just seems silly. I have other classes, my life can't be solely art! I need to have somewhat of a life outside of school! I don't anticipate that I'll enjoy this class, but I'll try my best to.

Third period is my physics class, which worked out well because it's the same period that I took online physics last semester. So far, it is my favourite class. I love my physics teacher so much. I had mentioned to her that last semester I spent a lot of time at home trying to figure out some of the physics stuff by myself because the site didn't explain it well enough, and she said that I won't have to do that now. It's her job, not mine. She constantly reassures our whole class that she's got this that we are "in good hands". I keep wanting to tell her that I'm not worried at all and have full confidence in her abilities, but I haven't. Sometimes I just want to go over and give her a big hug for teaching properly and being the reason I don't have to be in online physics anymore. There are only six of us in the class, so it's a nice calm environment. All of us are girls, and the other five are older than me by a year (it is a grade twelve class, after all). Every Tuesday (starting this coming week), we're going to be cooking. There's no physics connection, we're just going to cook. I don't know what we're making, and I don't she does either. I can't wait. A good bit of my second period is spent waiting for the bell to ring so I can go to third period. I know it probably get difficult as we progress through the semester, but I'm not too worried about it. We have a nice little group and a good teacher.

After lunch, my fourth period is math (yes, again). I have the same math teacher as I did last semester, so I'm not really worried about the class. He's super nice and he's good at teaching the material. The math that I'm in right now is Pre-calculus. It sounds scary, but so far, it just builds off of what we did in Foundations. We've only had some minor assignments so far like a math colour-by-number and some textbook problems. I like things like that because you can usually check your answers. The math textbooks have the answers in the back and when doing a colour-by-number page, you can see if the answers you got make sense or not by seeing what part of the sheet you would be colouring with each colour. I like to know whether or not I got the right answer right away. If I didn't, I can do the question again and figure out where I went wrong. Then, I can make sure I don't make that same mistake again! If I got it right to begin with, than I can have a mini celebration moment and move to the next problem. I like this system for math.

My fifth (and final) period is English. English is about the same as it was last semester, since it is the same class and just a continuation. The only thing I don't like it that it's last period. By that point I just want to go home. By fifth period I'm tired of doing school and, not being a people-person, usually tired of being around a lot of people. That's not to say that I want EVERYONE to go away, I just don't feel like being in a room of about twenty-something people analyzing some sort story by Edgar Allen Poe. He's got some pretty interesting stories, but they all seem to be quite dark. So far we've read "The Cask of Amontillado", "The Tell-Tale Heart", "The Masque of the Red Death", and "The Oval Portrait". "The Oval Portrait" was the simplest (and shortest) story, but I think "The Masque of the Red Death" might be my favourite. Admittedly, it took me a bit to understand the story fully, but it's actually quite interesting. I won't spoil the ending (despite it being written in the 1800s), but it's about a disease called the Red Death, which killed a lot of people. The prince took a bunch of people into hiding with him, leaving everyone else to die. If you want to know more, you'll have to read the story yourself.

In other news, I've joined my school's Badminton team! There are about fifteen or sixteen people on the team, but I'm one of two total girls. That means that her and I are an automatic doubles team. I'm not great with doubles, but I'll have to get used to it. I don't know her very well either, so that will be an adjustment too. Like it or not, she's stuck with me. I say that as if I suck at the sport, but we played singles against each other a few times and were alternating wins. We're basically the same playing level. I suppose it's perfect that we're teamed up together. I think that also means that neither of us can really teavh the other anything, but that's okay. Once we figure out a strategy and our court placements, I'm sure we'll do well.

I've also been in Chess Club for a while, which takes place every Tuesday on lunch break. This coming week, my Chess Club is attending a tournament with a bunch of schools. I went last year as well and didn't win any games. I'm still not really good at chess, but I hope that I can win at least one game this year. I think I'm the only person from my school attending the tournament (just like last year). Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday's lunch breaks are going to be practice this week, in preparation. I also have to use a chess clock for the competition. I usually take a long time to make my moves, so we're going to practice that this week, too. Usually my hope in chess is that I can get the other person the run out of time.

I think that's all from me for today! I know I forgot about Wordle Wednesday, I'm sorry! I'll make sure to make a Wordle post this week, and I'll throw in Connections as well, to make up for the missing Wordle. Thanks for reading!



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