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Exam Week ("Hooray!")

Sorry for not posting yesterday. It's been a busy week, prepping for exams! From Monday, the 22nd of January, to Thursday, the 25th of January, I have five exams. As of today, January 24th, I have finished English, entrepreneurship, physics, and foundations (math). Tomorrow I'll be having an exam for my world issues class.

English wasn't too bad. It's usually not difficult for me; it's just annoying and time-consuming. And occasionally absolutely ridiculous, but that's just English. My English exam was split into three different parts for three different days because they "don't want to stress us out too much" or something. The first and second parts had reading comp and questions about the book that we studied as a class. I kind of had a one-up when we started the book because I read it for fun last year, but it was nice to read it again. It's actually a really interesting book, and if anyone wants to go and read it, it's called Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. I think it's considered a classic, but it's an awesome book, and I highly recommend it. Part three of the English exam was almost entirely reading comp and was actually quite short compared to the others. Part one was the Thursday before exam week, part two was that Friday, and part three was just this past Monday.

Entrepreneurship wasn't actually an exam that I had to do. Instead, I had to get up in front of my whole class and give a presentation about a business I "created" and what it would sell. I think my presentation went well. I'm pretty sure I had all the points that I was required to have. Plus, it was a pretty creative presentation, or at least I hope it was. I'm not a decorative person, which you may or may not have noticed from my bare-minimum page design. I also suck at technology, so that's against me too. The presentation was the same day as English part three.

Overall, entrepreneurship wasn't a bad class, but I just got sick of how much work was given and how much we didn't need it or weren't given enough time. There was an assignment that we got close to the end, where we had to create a business plan, which includes research that you've done about your market, customers, and required financials. A.K.A. a pain in the neck. We had about a week to work on it in the computer lab (one hour and five-minute class times five school days) and it was due on a Friday at the end of class. On the Wednesday and Thursday before it was due, I went home and spent close to nine total hours working on it. Nine hours at home. When I handed it in that Friday, I was just relieved to be done and was hoping that I did well.

Alas, when I came back to school Monday, my teacher stood up in front of everyone and said something along the lines of "Only a three of the eighteen groups handed the assignment in, and the ones that I looked at were done wrong, so we're going back to the lab and working on each part separately. It will be due Thursday." I was not happy. I had worked on that thing for nine hours on my own time to hand it in when it was supposed to be handed in, and I got nothing for it! So, for the rest of that week, we worked on each part (I added a few things over the course of the week, but my plan would've been fine without them) and the format (which she hadn't specified before). To top all this off, when I asked her what was wrong with mine, she simply said, "I'll be honest, I didn't read yours because I assumed you did it right."

Enough with that class, now on to physics. My physics exam was okay. There were only 40 questions, and I had basically as much time as I wanted to do them. The problem wasn't with the exam; it was the rest of the class. When I chose my first semester classes, I decided I really wanted to take physics. So much so, that when my English was during the same period as physics, I opted for the online physics course. BIG mistake. In fact, "big" doesn't even cover it. It was a terrible mistake. An I'm-never-doing-an-online-course-again-because-what-in-the-world-was-that mistake. Yes, I'm being dramatic... Leave me alone. So, I took online physics. If I got stuck on a problem or concept, I had to hope that my online teacher would respond before I had to go to my next class, or figure it out myself. FlippingPhysics on YouTube and Google were my best friends, but I was occasionally able to go to my math teacher and last year's science teacher when I needed help. Still, lessons were hard to understand and worded strangely. I'm a writer, wording matters! (Yes, I know I say wording matters and then type out this rant-like info dump. I only pretend to know what I'm doing, okay?) The physics exam was Tuesday.

After physics, my exams are pretty much smooth sailing. Math isn't super difficult for me right now, although I think I forgot a step when doing a problem today, so I'll probably get some points off for that. Other than that, it went well. As I mentioned, that exam was today.

My final exam tomorrow is for world issues. I didn't really like the class. I only chose it because I didn't want to take law and I regret that choice. It wasn't THAT bad of a class, but it was kind of boring. We talked about a lot of the same things over and over, and not very many of those things were interesting to me. Especially the U.S. politics. The exam is just going to be some opinionated questions about some of the topics we discussed over the course of the semester.

Well, I think that's been enough "Yakking with Yecats" for today. I hope you enjoyed reading this and didn't get bored! Or at least not too bored... Thanks for reading and happy almost weekend!



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